“The Future is Now.
The Future is Free.”
If you’re doing anything to free the future,
you’re in the right place.
The Movement For The Future is every effort on the planet to turn things around on Earth seen as a single, unified force for something really good… delicious even.
Tiny/large, personal/political, local or global; if you’re doing anything to free the future, you’re in the right place.
We help the people in the movement work across generations, exhaustion, disciplines & disagreements.
We also share alternative, soul-level capacity-building ideas to bring spiritual clarity in an existentially difficult time.
All are needed. All are welcome. No particular belief or level of engagement is required.
We operate under the impossibly beautiful vision that not only can all of humanity work together for good… we are already are…
We often see our efforts as disconnected, not powerful enough to move the dial, or even worse, canceling each other out. And while it’s true on one level, when seen together from a higher altitude, things tell a different story.
So whether you’ve been yelling at social media, taking a nap to tune it all out, or holding meetings with talented knuckleheads inside and outside of government; you’re a part of the Movement For The Future.
We’re so happy you’re here.
Our First Mission:
“Speak life into a situation, not misery.”
Our first mission is about speaking life into a situation instead of misery. It’s hard for us to work together when we see ourselves as separate, profoundly annoying, and frankly in the way. But with something as simple as a name, we all of a sudden have a common place to be and to come back to.
So, we’re naming our movement and every single contribution to it out loud and frequently… Using the power of language to help us know we’re all here & that the party has started.
Say it with me. Say it often.
Remix it to make it work for you.
The Future Is Now.
The Future is Free.
I am part of the Movement For The Future.
Because The Future is Alive & Well In Me.
Talk soon,